Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Future Smiles spends the day at Yashodhan school -- Part II

Yesterday, we told you about Friday's interaction between Mumbai Smiles and Yashodhan school to take the Future Smiles project further into the, well, future.
Continuing from where we left off, after the students of Class 10 were gifted folders, the interaction moved inside one of the classrooms with a smaller group of people. From among themselves, the parents selected a bunch of representatives to meet with the Future Smiles team; these parents are responsible for passing on all information and news to the larger parent body. The interaction naturally included the Class 10 students, as they are the direct beneficiaries of the project.

Nilratan of the Projects department at Mumbai Smiles addressed the parents, students and teachers, telling them in detail about the Future Smiles programme and its intention, which is basically to help students pursue higher studies. This will be done in different ways, by providing information, guidance, career counselling, monetary support, infrastructural support, anything that a young student might need.

And Chandrakant (centre), who is the counsellor in the team, had an interactive discussion with the gathering to figure out how students will be selected for Future Smiles' scholarship schemes. The point was to ask the parents and students for their opinions and take note of their requirements and problems.

Together it was decided that these are some of the factors to be considered while selecting students: socio-economic background, nature of parents' work, home situation, disabilities, number of dependents, single parents, facilities available for studies, minority groups. 

The last session of the day was with the students only. We spoke to each student individually, asking them their marks and their plans for junior college (Class 11 and 12). This helped us gauge how much they know about college courses, the admission process and why they make these choices.

It was also important to know what their interests are, their parents' and siblings' education and the atmosphere at home. Based on their responses, each student was given information or a specific task; the Future Smiles team will also tailor counselling sessions for each student. 

For instance, Vikram here told the team his plan to do a diploma in engineering. So, at their next meeting, the team will present him with options and also the discuss the pros and cons of diplomas and degrees.

Akshata is interested in studying Science, and so the team will meet her next with information on courses and cut-off marks.

The next meeting with the students will take place this week. And you can be sure you will get detailed updates on this blog :)

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