Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Future Smiles spends the day at Yashodhan school -- Part I

Last Friday was a big day in the life of Future Smiles. The Future Smiles team and Mumbai Smiles spent the day at Yashodhan school meeting with parents and students to discuss the programme and how to make it work.
The day started with a felicitation programme at which members of Mumbai Smiles and Yashodhan school addressed the parents and introduced the Future Smiles project.

 Here are the principals of the English and Marathi medium schools.

One of the trustees of the school introduces Mumbai Smiles to the gathering. Seen here are Chandrakant, counsellor with Future Smiles, Nilratan Shende and Monica Grau of the Projects Department at Mumbai Smiles, and the General Director of Mumbai Smiles.
Nilratan speaks to the parents about the Future Smiles programme.

Followed by the General Director of Mumbai Smiles.

And even though it was a rainy day, there was a big turnout of parents.

Especially mothers, who managed to squeeze time away from their work.  

At the event, the students of Class 10, who have just cleared their board exams and will be starting junior college, were presented with folders. The idea behind this was to give them a gift that would encourage them to fill their folders with a record of their academic achievements. A folder full of certificates and good marks would make anyone happy, right? 

The General Director presents one of the students with a folder.

This felicitation was followed by intensive discussions and sessions between the Future Smiles team and the parents and students that lasted most of the day. Read the blog tomorrow to know how what transpired.

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