Wednesday, June 02, 2010

New office in Mexico!

We are thrilled to tell you that Mumbai Smiles is making its way around the world :)
For those who didn't know, we have had a presence in Mexico City for a few months now and are slowly expanding our work there. For starters, we now have an office space generously given to us by a local firm called Aura Architects.
Here you can see Cristiane Tolotti, Executive Director of Mexico (right) with two volunteers -- Tere Jimenez and Kari Gonzalez
For the last few months, Cristiane has been hard at work meeting people and NGOs in Mexico. She has been discussing and planning ways for Mumbai Smiles to collaborate with local NGOs (in what is called 'brotherhoods') to execute programmes that help both organisations.
Keep up the great work, Cris!
As always we will keep you updated on what's happening in Mexico, and from the looks of it, there will be a lot to tell you :)

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