Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Understanding Mumbai in Mexico

Halfway across the world, in Mexico, the name 'Mumbai Smiles' is already gathering attention.
Last week, our Mexico branch -- known there as Sonrisas de Bombay Mexico -- signed an agreement with the Iberoamericana University - León. The aim is to promote Indian culture and generate awareness about poverty and other issues in India among the students and employees of the university.
As a first step, our NGO donated copies of two books: Jaume Sanllorente's Bombay Smiles: The Trip that Changed my Life and photographer Francesc Melcion's Bombay: Behind the Smiles to the university's library. Next in the pipeline are an Indian festival and an exhibition of photographs from Melcion's coffee table book.

Here you can see Cristiane Tolotti (left), Executive Director Mexico, Mumbai Smiles, and Gerardo Renato Amor Montaño, General Director of Support Services at the university, signing the agreement.

And here, Cristiane explains our projects in Mumbai to Gerardo Renato Amor, Diana Cárdenas, Institutional Comunication Director, and Juan Francisco Martínez, Director of the Academic Information Center.

Here's to better cross-cultural understanding and progress.

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