Monday, June 28, 2010

How Infosys may help...

Good morning to everyone!

Our week starts with some pretty wonderful news -- Mumbai Smiles is in talks with the Infosys Foundation to facilitate scholarships for the underprivileged children of Yashodhan school that we support. The Infosys Foundation, which helps underprivileged people in India through various programmes, is promoted by the famous Infosys Technologies Limited, a global IT (Information Technology) services firm based in India. One of its schemes includes providing scholarships for further studies to underprivileged students.

Students who have scored over 80% in their Class 10 board exams are eligible to sit for a competitive exam organised by the Infosys Foundation, to qualify for the scholarships given out by the Foundation.

Where we come in is that we are talking to the Foundation to arrange for some of the Yashodhan students, who have scored good marks, to sit for this exam. And we are providing the students the guidance and information they need to appear for this exam.

Besides giving them access to scholarships, we believe the exam will be good exposure for the kids, as they will get an idea of what a competitive exam is like.

More on this in the coming weeks...

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