Monday, June 07, 2010

Now in English

Many of our long-time supporters will know that Mumbai Smiles has had an interesting start and a wonderful journey to get to where we are now. From one man and one orphanage to teams in several countries handling a variety of projects, and growing every day :)
The story of our origins is the story of our Chairman Jaume Sanllorente's vision. Our supporters in Spain will be familiar with the book he wrote, Sonrisas de Bombay. El viaje que cambiĆ² mi destino, which is the tale of his trip to India six years ago as a young journalist and what made him decide to stay back and work for the underprivileged in Mumbai.

It's a fascinating and inspiring account, and we are thrilled that more people will get to read it now, as the book has now been translated to English. Bombay Smiles: The Trip that Changed My Life, is now available in English in the US, where it is being published by Paul Dry Books. English readers all over the world can also order the book on Amazon.

Do grab a copy and let us know what you think :)

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