Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Approach's first report - part I

The Approach team has been busy for many weeks now conducting its first round of research in the slums of Andheri (East), near our office. The research, which will be conducted over the next many months, will help us truly understand the situation, conditions and needs of the slum communities before planning and implementing the projects to help them. 
In this first of many surveys and rounds of research, the team has been analysing secondary data (collected from other institutions and organisations) and conducting their own field visits to 18 slums in the area, based on which they have submitted their facts and observations. The purpose of this initial research was:

1. To develop an understanding about the Andheri (East) region 
2. To identify potential slum localities to carry out the survey.
3. To build rapport with self-help groups and youth groups in the slums.
4. To identify individual candidates from the localities to involve in survey exercise.

In the map below, the blackened area is the region that was covered by the researchers.

And this photo gives an overview of the total number of areas visited.

Now that we've explained the basics of this survey, we will tell you a bit more about the team's findings in tomorrow's blog.
Make sure you check it out :)

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