Friday, June 11, 2010

For better awareness

As you know, Mumbai Smiles is a multi-cultural – even a multi-continental – organisation. And besides the intense focus on our projects in Mumbai and helping people at the ground level, we also believe it is important to raise awareness, not just in India but also in other countries. More people need to be sensitised to the issues that affect the poor and underprivileged around the world.

As a part of this, the Mumbai Smiles branch in Barcelona, Spain, (know there by the name Sonrisas de Bombay) is organising a special event at the end of this month along with local volunteers, who have an interest in or have studied the subject of human rights. The volunteers will talk about human rights, children’s rights and education, in the context of India, and the work of Mumbai Smiles.

Although this is a small event for 60-odd people mostly associated with our organisation in Spain – such as volunteers, members and collaborators – we believe education and awareness begins at home. If we and the people who work with us are not well-informed about the issues that we deal with, how can we expect others to understand them?

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