Friday, June 25, 2010

'To see your projects is an enriching experience'

Our first bunch of visitors in June had some wonderful things to say to us:

Thank you very much for this visit and for the time you have so kindly given to us. Your projects are very beautiful and important. Keep it up.

I am impressed by your efficiency. Thank you for taking the time and showing us your beautiful projects. I really hope that the smiles will continue to grow.
Aude Martenot

From our experience, we know the difficulties that you are facing or will have to face in the future. But continue to work. We wish that you have a lot of positive energy and luck from bottom of our heart.
Xènia, Marta, El Somriure dels Nens, an NGO that works with the underprivileged in Rajasthan.

I am very happy and I feel very lucky to get the chance to visit Mumbai Smiles. May God protect you and all the children.
Krishna, El Somriure dels Nens

I find your work interesting and it is very positive for the children. To see them smiling is an enriching experience. Best of luck and thanks a lot for the visit.

Thanks a lot for giving us this opportunity to know your projects. Congratulations on your work.

Great job! And we are extremely grateful for this experience of getting to know your projects. We regret that we cannot collaborate with you as volunteers. Hope that your work keeps going on for a long time.

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