Friday, April 09, 2010

"The projects are the best monuments in the city"

With the week drawing to an end, we wanted to share with you some of the kind and encouraging words that some of our visitors in February left us with. We thank you for your support and hope to see you again!

It is unbelievable what Mumbai Smiles is doing for the little kids of Mumbai and I love the way it works. I am a teacher and work with the children in the age group of 2-3 years, but I felt very emotional to see the children in the slums. It’s wonderful that they have the intense desire to learn and go to school every day in spite of the lack of resources. It’s been a wonderful journey and I go back with memories of their smiling faces. We hope Mumbai Smiles continues to work hard so that these children have a better future.
David and Esther

Thanks for sharing with us a small part of this wonderful world. It’s a pleasure to get to know initiatives like Yashodhan school and the Bombay Leprosy Project. Thanks to Mumbai Smiles, we have come across the reality of the country. Congratulations to Jaume for making into reality his dream of bringing smiles to the faces of thousands of children in Mumbai.
Imma, Judit, Maria

Thanks to the Mumbai Smiles projects, many people have smiles on their faces. Continue doing such work to eliminate the huge differences that exist between Spain in the North and India in the South. It will be great to create awareness among the people of North about the reasons for these big differences, and to have a social conscience to make this world a better place.
Sonia and Jorge

Your work is unbelievable. You touch thousands of hearts and open the minds of people who visit your projects. Thanks a lot and keep it up!

It’s a pleasure to meet the people that devote so many things to improve the lives of others. Even though I have spent only two days with Mumbai Smiles, I can see that it is a serious and hard-working organisation. I hope you grow -- not only in your projects and the number of people you help -- but also in the hearts and minds of others, so that you can show them the power each one of us has and what this power can do for the people around us.

Thanks a lot for sharing your work with us and making us aware of this reality
Best of luck.
Inma, Sergio, David

Thank you very much for sharing your concept of development based on love, affection and dignity with so many people. It's so much better than our western paternalism.
Shanti, Lara

Your work is impressive! I have learnt a lot from your projects and enjoyed your company very much. We will come back to see you. Thanks a lot.

Thanks for creating so many futures through love. And through love, the world grows. Wish you loads of luck. It has been a pleasure to know you.

Thanks a lot for giving us your time. I came to know about your projects through a friend and, since then, I have been regularly following your blog and the website, and I am impressed. Keep doing such wonderful work. It's only people like you who make it possible for these children to have a better future.

Thanks a lot for this fantastic experience. Congratulations for the work that you carry on every day.

Thank you very much for such a wonderful reception and for showing us that in this time of crisis there are people like you who have hearts. A splendid heart that gives everything it has to build as many futures and smiles as possible.

Congratulations on your wonderful work. I wish there were more people like you in this selfish world. Thank you very much for your time and effort. I hope to come back and see you soon.

I have lived a very unique experience today. Thanks a lot for giving me an opportunity to know another part of the world. Congratulations for the work that you have done and I wish that you keep doing so for many, many years.

The most wonderful experience! Mumbai Smiles is doing a great job of providing education in this city and I am sure everyone will realise its importance in the years to come. But the best part of the experience was seeing the smiling faces of the kids. So nice to see them happy and living a normal childhood. Best of luck to you!

Thanks a lot for this special day of visiting your projects. It has been very important to share this experience with my little daughter Sabela. Congratulations for the wonderful work and good luck for your future. We are going back with heavy hearts and wish to come back soon. A special thanks to Ana for such a warm welcome, you made us feel like we were at home. Thanks.
Angel, Belen, Sabela

Thank you for sharing with us all the work that you do. As a simple tourist I can say that the projects of Mumbai Smiles have turned out to be the best monuments in the city. A long trip to reach the oasis: the slums. I really enjoyed the balwadis. I liked the simplicity of things. I liked how you fight to be real, natural, touchable. I like how life flows. Thank you for sharing the present and the future.
Andreu Maso

A warm hug to Jaume and his team, to dear Ana, for each and every smile that they achieve and lots of love to all the kids.
Paco Montañes

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